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Suburbs Premier Men

Coach: Toby Platt & Aaron Barnsdall
Manager: Warwick Kiely

A tough year for the Prem Men’s team still finding their feet with their second year development rebuild.  A couple of new faces in the team lifted the spirit of the team with trainings being fast paced.  Unfortunately the team lost coach Toby Platt who moved away from the Waikato for work.  Toby still came back to play most weekends.  Aaron Barnsdall, Club President, stepped in to take over the reins for the remainder of the year and carried on from where Toby left off.

2020 vs 2021

A huge improvement on 2020 with more goals scored, less goals against, more wins, but sadly more losses this year due to last year having 4 draws.  Bring on 2022 for our prems, good luck lads.

Top Goal Scorers

Round 1 – Toby Platt (4), Dylan Platt (3), Mitchell Williams (2)

Intercity – Ben Shepherd (4), Haydon Naish (4), Mitchell Williams (4), Parth Thakur (4)

2021 Results

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2020 Results

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Suburbs Premier Dev Men

Coach: Luke Forbes
Manager: Allyson Gofton

Another year for Prem Dev Men’s team.  80% of the squad retained from last year.  Luke Forbes in charge for yet another year and some great help from some of the senior players.  Some new faces in the team this year bought some great skills, competition among the forwards, and enthusiasm to the whole team.  A couple of close losses early on in the year could have seen a different rank in those rounds.  Also noted during that time a couple of major injuries to key players meant others had to step up and fill the gaps.  All in all a successful year.

2020 vs 2021

2021 saw a huge improvement on 2020 with less games but more goals scored, less goals against, more wins, and less draws which were converted to wins.  Excellent growth this year.

Top Goal Scorers

Round 1 – Josh Pratt (6), Leon Teao (6), Joel A Shepherd (4), Michael Scanlon (4)

Round 2 – Joel A Shepherd (4), Ryan House (3), Michael Scanlon (2)

Round 3 – Josh Pratt (5), Ben Scanlon (4), Jean-luc Gofton (4)

2021 Results

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2020 Results

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Suburbs Premier Dev Women

Coaches: Ethan Hohneck & Lyndon Cooper
Manager: Lyndon Cooper

New coaches, new players, new team this year and supported well by a new Suburbs Women’s Reserve 2 team as well.  The team started off well in the first round finishing 3rd after some hard work at trainings and fitness sessions.  As the bond of the team grew in the second round the team kicked in to another gear leaving all other teams behind to finish 1st in the WR1.2 round to take home the WWHA Cup.  The third round saw some major injuries which left the team scrambling for a few games until we got back on our feet.  By then the 3rd round had gotten away on the team.  Two thirds of the season show great promise.  Next year will be even better.

2020 vs 2021

2021 saw more wins in the bag, way less losses,  double the goal scoring, and only 18 goals against compared to 55 in 2020.  The stats just don’t lie.  The ladies had a great year.

Top Goal Scorers

Round 1 – Josie Brown (5), Melita Bargh (3), Kate Friend (2)

Round 2 – Kate Friend (3), Nikki Kelman (3), Anisha Bester (2)

Round 3 – Nikki Kelman (5), Josie Brown (3), Jana Verbeek (3)

2021 Results

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2020 Results

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Suburbs Saints Men

Coach: Alan Prestage & Truman Wee
Manager: Grace Kroon

The new team on the block in 2021.  The Saints were formed from the best “up-and-coming” young talent in Reserve 2 mixed with some experienced senior players and a couple of imports.  The goal…move the team up a grade to Prem Development Reserve 1.  Led by Truman Wee and Alan Prestage they trained hard all year and got better as players bonded and skills were refined.  The 1st round of Reserve 2 grade was the “feel out stage” where the Saints finished a respectable 3rd.  The second round they finished 1st and moved up to Prem Development Reserve 1 and proved that hard work at training pays off.  The final round saw the Saints playing a higher pace or hockey against Prem Dev teams and competing on the same level.  Ending the year 4th in this grade is a great achievement.  Great year for the new team well done.

Top Goal Scorers

Round 1 – Mark Thomas (7), Cameron Stevenson (6), Fraser McGhie (3)

Round 2 – Adrian Wisse (5), Cameron Stevenson (5), Dylan Baillie (5)

Round 3 – Mark Thomas (4), Cameron Stevenson (3), Luke Graham (3)

2021 Results

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Suburbs Reserve 2 Men

Coach: N/A
Manager: Jerram Clulow

A bit of a mixed bag team this year made up of all sorts of characters.  Our Reserve 2 Men’s team also provided a few Saints players this year to ensure growth in the club.  About 50% of last years team present so it took the new look team a few games to gel together.  By the second round this team was beating some big name teams and this guaranteeing them a spot in the semis.  Round 3 was pretty much the same where the team again made the semis.  A testament to this team for coming together and supporting other teams.  Highlight of the year must have been beating the Saints early on in Round 2 while both teams were getting to grips with new players.

2020 vs 2021

2021 was not as good as 2020 based on the club making a new competitive team in the Saints.  While Reserve 2 suffered a little over the dominant 2020 team, both the club and players will be better off in the long run.  2021 for Reserve 2 Men will go down as a supporting role for the Saints who went up to Prem Dev in Round 3.

Top Goal Scorers

Round 1 – Chris Toombs (9), Blake Johnson-Twydle (3), Ronnie Bird (3)

Round 2 – Ronnie Bird (5), Dylan Baillie (5), Trent Holland (3)

Round 3 – Logan Lindsay (3), Adam van Straalen (1), Blake Johnson-Twydle (1), Cameron Gensik (1), Dylan Baillie (1), Jarrod Thorne (1), Trent Holland (1)

2021 Results

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2020 Results

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Suburbs Pastits Men

Coach: N/A
Manager: Ethan Hohneck

Pastits have been getting better every year now for the past 3 years.  This year they have produced their best with 14 wins from 21 games with 2 draws and 5 losses, 4 at the hands of Uni Prem Dev.  A major difference this year was the introduction of a couple of goal scoring machines in James (Jimmy) Phillips and Sam Brennan.  Special mention to Blake Johnson-Twydle and Chris Toombs who also made it in to double figures for goals scored.  A massive 86 goals scored this year.  Last year they struggled to score goals with just 27 goals in 21 games in 2020, yet this year goals were a plenty.  The second round saw a key player, Bevan Muirhead, miss out on the finals due to a holiday in Sydney.  Bevan was then stuck in Sydney for 9 weeks which meant missing most of the third round until COVID stopped the finals.  4 centre half’s later Bevan returned just in time for Round 3 semis.  Pastits were back on track making the final and narrowly losing to Uni Prem Dev 2-0.

With no training and casual attitude to playing socially the team has built a simple but proven methodology made up of a positive bond amongst each other.  A pretty exceptional bunch of guys with an average of 40 years old.  Bring on 2022, Pastits are ready.

2020 vs 2021

2020 saw Pastits start in Reserve 2 and they slowly climbed the ladder ending up in 3rd at the end of 2020.  2021 proved slightly different as the team had to drop to Reserve 3, due to having a new men’s team in the club and not being allowed to have 3 Suburbs teams in Reserve 2.  After getting back to Reserve 2, after winning Round 1 in Reserve 3, the team got back on track winning a lot of games.  End of 2021 saw Pastits with top 3 finishes in all 3 rounds.

Top Goal Scorers

Round 1 – James Phillips (19), Bevan Muirhead (4), Ethan Hohneck (4)

Round 2 – Blake Johnson-Twydle (8), James Phillips (7), Sam Brennan (5)

Round 3 – James Phillips (10), Sam Brennan (3), Chris Toombs (3), Ross Tritt (3)

2021 Results

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2020 Results

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Suburbs 3rd Women

Coach: Jarrod Thorne & Owen Pratt
Manager: Jarrod Thorne & Owen Pratt

The new team on the block in 2021 with new coaches and a whole lot of keen new players.  The ladies started out of the gate at a million miles an hour ending up 2nd in Round 1.  A fantastic start to 2021 which also saw trainings being so lively and fun.  The second round was a tough round with a a couple of narrow losses that could have changed up the final round result.  On to Round 3 and the team pulled back with a couple of great wins over higher ranked teams and ended up a respectful 4th out of 7 in their first year.  The team really set the pace in Round 1 and will be working hard early next year to repeat and improve and what was already a great year for the new team.  Well done.

Top Goal Scorers

Round 1 – Ellie Lucock (3), Monique Spedding (3), Hannah Jacobsen (2), Shannon Fleming (2)

Round 2 – Ellie Lucock (4), Anisha Bester (2), Monique Spedding (2)

Round 3 – Nicky Randall (4), Kaea Hudson (3), Molly Hart (2)

2021 Results

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Suburbs 3rd Div Men

Coach: N/A
Manager: Owen Pratt

Year 2 for the 3rd Div Men’s team and what a year.  A couple of new players this in key positions has seen this team have a strong attack which has seen them double their goals on 2020.  With more goals in the attacking net comes higher ladder positions.  The most important part of the year was being consistent.  The team managed to win Round 2 and just miss out on the final for Round 3.  A couple of father son combos in the team and some of the players from Reserve 2 dropping down a grade this year has also boosted the skill level as well as dropped the average age slightly.  In Round 1 Pastits beat Pennys Bookstore HOB in the final and then in Round 2 the Suburbs 3rd Div Men’s also knocked Pennys Bookstore HOB over in the final.  Looks like the rivalry between Suburbs and HOB is strong in Reserve 3.

2020 vs 2021

What a difference 1 year makes.  The new team on the block in 2020 with a tough season getting to know each other.  Roll in 2021 and the team has had top 3 finishes in all 3 rounds.

Top Goal Scorers

Round 1 – Lleyton O’Carroll (6), Jono Armstrong (5), Matthew Fulton (5)

Round 2 – Chris Toombs (10), Matthew Fulton (8), Connor Jones (4), Jono Armstrong (4), Lleyton O’Carroll (4)

Round 3 – Jono Armstrong (8), Chris Toombs (6), Connor Jones (3)

2021 Results

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2020 Results

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