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Suburbs Premier Men

Coach: Chris Dowdle
Manager: Warwick Kiely

A new start for the Prem team with a new coach and a whole new team.  Only a few players from the 2021 season have stayed with the club.  Chris has bought some new innovative coaching methods to the team and after a tough start the team is now seeing the benefits of the hard work put in.  

2022 vs 2021

A fresh new start means building the blocks up again.  The team is young and working hard.  Keep up the good work boys.

2021 vs 2020

A huge improvement on 2020 with more goals scored, less goals against, more wins, but sadly more losses this year due to last year having 4 draws.  Bring on 2022 for our prems, good luck lads.

2022 Results

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2021 Results

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2020 Results

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2022 Goal Scorers

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Suburbs Premier Dev Men

Coach: Luke Forbes
Manager: Ryan House

A few new young ones in the team this year including a new goalie as last years goalie Dan Wilson has retired from the higher grades and is now playing in the Pastits team in Reserve 2.  Luke has taken on the new players and seen a consistent season so far.  Next year will be even better.

2022 vs 2021

A bit of a shuffle of players this year but the team is working hard and playing good hockey.

2021 vs 2020

2021 saw a huge improvement on 2020 with less games but more goals scored, less goals against, more wins, and less draws which were converted to wins.  Excellent growth this year.

2022 Results

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2021 Results

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2020 Results

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2022 Results

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Suburbs Premier Dev Women

Coaches: Ethan Hohneck & Lyndon Cooper
Manager: Ethan Hohneck & Lyndon Cooper

Second year now with the dual coaches and the team has kept the core of players with only a couple of new players this year who have fitted in well.  The focus this year has been on team unity and a new style of attacking hockey that has seen score a few more goals and get a few more wins this year.  4 games left and a possible chance to take out the season.

2022 vs 2021

The core of the team has stayed with this year so the coaches can focus on carrying on from where they left of in 2021.

2021 vs 2020

2021 saw more wins in the bag, way less losses,  double the goal scoring, and only 18 goals against compared to 55 in 2020.  The stats just don’t lie.  The ladies had a great year.

2022 Results

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2021 Results

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2020 Results

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2022 Goal Scorers

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Suburbs Saints Men

Coach: Alan Prestage & Truman Wee
Manager: Grace Kroon

The team has managed to keep the core players for a second year in a row.  With going up a grade to Prem Dev the team struggled at the start of the season however are now sitting second on the table and a chance to take out the season.  A great time to peak.

2022 vs 2021

A different year to 2021 due to winning the grade last year and moving up into Prem Dev.  Peaking at the right end of the season means a good finish to come.

2022 Results

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2021 Results

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2022 Goal Scorers

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Suburbs Reserve 2 Men

Coach: N/A
Manager: Jerram Clulow

A large number of new players this year.  Reserve 2 is the pathway for our young players to feed up in to the Saints.  Took a few games to get going and the season has been steady sitting in the middle of the table.  A couple of big games and wins against tough opponents. 

2022 vs 2021

Since becoming the pathway team for young players in 2021 the team has been consistent during 2022.  A hard task to manage but the team is serving its purpose. 

2021 vs 2020

2021 was not as good as 2020 based on the club making a new competitive team in the Saints.  While Reserve 2 suffered a little over the dominant 2020 team, both the club and players will be better off in the long run.  2021 for Reserve 2 Men will go down as a supporting role for the Saints who went up to Prem Dev in Round 3.

2022 Results

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2021 Results

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2020 Results

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2022 Goal Scorers

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Suburbs Pastits Men

Coach: N/A
Manager: Ethan Hohneck

Another cracker of a year this year from Pastits in Reserve 2.  Taking out Round 2 has to be the highlight of the year so far.  3 new players this year due to a long standing member Neil Muirhead leaving the team after 20 plus years and Dave Vosper being injured all season.  A season well led by the captain Bevan Muirhead.

2022 vs 2021

On par to having a similar season as 2021 with the chance of scoring over 90 goals this year.  If the team wins its last 4 games they will notch up 15 wins for the year and only a couple of losses.  Some hard work needed going into the finals.

2021 vs 2020

2020 saw Pastits start in Reserve 2 and they slowly climbed the ladder ending up in 3rd at the end of 2020.  2021 proved slightly different as the team had to drop to Reserve 3, due to having a new men’s team in the club and not being allowed to have 3 Suburbs teams in Reserve 2.  After getting back to Reserve 2, after winning Round 1 in Reserve 3, the team got back on track winning a lot of games.  End of 2021 saw Pastits with top 3 finishes in all 3 rounds.

2022 Results

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2021 Results

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2020 Results

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2022 Goal Scorers

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Suburbs Flames Women

Coach: Jarrod Thorne & Jean-Luc Gofton
Manager: Jarrod Thorne

With another new womens team at Suburbs this year last years team has been split up to make 2 relatively even skilled teams.  The coaches even split so that Owen Pratt would take the new team and Jarrod Thorne would stay with last years new womens team.  A new coach has joined the ranks and Jean-Luc Gofton brings a wealth of knowledge to the coaching team.  A new team name as well, introducing the Suburbs Flames.

2022 vs 2021

A good season so far.  Currently sitting 2nd in the final round might see the Flames take out the round.  Good luck Flames.

2022 Results

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2021 Results

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2022 Goal Scorers

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Suburbs 3rd Women

Coach: Owen Pratt & Cameron Stevenson
Manager: Owen Pratt

Our newest team created from some of last years team and a whole bunch of lovely new ladies to play hockey for Suburbs.  Owen Pratt and new coach Cameron Stevenson have been coaching the new team this season.  A good start to the year and now just need to work hard in the back end of the season to end a great first year.

2022 Results

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2022 Goal Scorers

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Suburbs 3rd Div Men

Coach: N/A
Manager: Andrew O’Carroll

New management this year and a few new players.  They have even got a few Father & Son combinations going on this year.  The team started the season well and have just fallen away due some injuries to key players.  Work hard lads and make that final.

2022 vs 2021

A few new players this year.  A few young ones as well.  The third round has become quite a competitive round but the lads can work hard and hopefully finish above the middle of the table.

2021 vs 2020

What a difference 1 year makes.  The new team on the block in 2020 with a tough season getting to know each other.  Roll in 2021 and the team has had top 3 finishes in all 3 rounds.

2022 Results

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2021 Results

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2020 Results

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2022 Goal Scorers

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